Thursday 15 December 2011

iq2 If conference talk #1

Working with those great guys at Scriberia, graphic facilitators at the if conference at the Royal Geographical Society.

Lecture #1 Virtual experiential travel. delivered by Rohit Talwar


  1. Hi!
    I really liked the works, great blog! congratulations and greetings
    from São Paulo,

  2. Hey thanks Denise, I appreciate your feedback. This job for Sriberia was paticularly challenging for me, the process very different from my usual way of working. It involved attending a series of mainly interesting lectures, making visual notes on site and then translating those into the images you see above.
    I prefer this image out of the two - the subject material being more visually stimulating to work with than the 'self hacking' lecture which was mainly about statistics and how to interpret them.
    Thank you for following.
